
We believe that the Triune God created the world and everything in it. As the crowning work of His creation he fashioned both man and woman in His image and placed them in the world to rule and tend it. But the man and woman rejected God’s role for them and chose their own way resulting in sin, death, and separation from God and each other.

We believe that in His love and mercy God initiated a plan to restore humanity to right relationship to Himself and to put the world to rights. This plan unfolded first through God’s special covenant relationship with the nation of Israel as recorded in the Old Testament.

We believe that through all those centuries the work and words of God were pointing forward to the fulfillment of this plan in Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ God himself became human to show us in life how to be truly faithful to God’s plan for humanity, in death to atone for human sin, and in resurrection to overcome humanity’s greatest enemy—death.

We believe that before returning to his Father in heaven, Christ left us His Holy Spirit to begin the work of resurrection in us and to empower us to live out the image of God in the world.

We believe that until then the church exists to equip and encourage believers to live out the image of Christ through regular worship, through nourishing relationships with other believers, through purposeful discipling in the image of Christ, and through proclamation of Christ to the world in word and in deed.

We believe that Christ will one day return to finish the work of restoring God’s creation by defeating sin and the Devil and renewing the earth broken by sin.

We believe that Scriptures of the Old and New Testament unerringly testify to God’s revelation of himself in Jesus Christ and His purposes for humanity and, therefore, are the only authoritative source for Christian life and practice.