Timothy Keller on Thanks and Rest "Cosmic ingratitude is living in the illusion that you are spiritually self-sufficient. It is taking credit for something that was a gift. Timothy Keller on Thanks and RestUnion Christian Church Office2016-12-03T20:03:12-06:00
Donne in This is the Holy Sonnet by John Donne that I used to shape my prayer on Sunday. Batter my heart, three-person'd God, Donne inUnion Christian Church Office2015-12-16T16:30:13-06:00
Prayer Lingo – Intercession Recently someone asked about the difference between “prayer” and “intercessory prayer.” They questioned whether “intercessory prayer” is a specific form of prayer Prayer Lingo – IntercessionUnion Christian Church Office2015-10-12T14:37:16-06:00
Make me an Instrument of Peace Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where Make me an Instrument of PeaceUnion Christian Church Office2015-09-24T17:30:45-06:00